Static Methods


Parameter Description
a required - An array of elements.

Returns an infinite stream by continually concatenating the array a.

var s = Stream.cycle([98, 99, 100]);

console.log( s.item(0) ); // => 98
console.log( s.item(1) ); // => 99
console.log( s.item(2) ); // => 100
console.log( s.item(3) ); // => 98
console.log( s.item(4) ); // => 99
console.log( s.item(5) ); // => 100


Parameter Description
s required - A stream.
t required - A stream.

Checks if two streams are equal. Return true if they are equal or falsy value otherwise. Two streams are equal when they have the same number of elements and each two elements in the same positions are equal.

var s = Stream.range(10, 20);
var t = Stream.range(10, 20);
var u = Stream.range(5, 60);

console.log( Stream.equals(s, t) ); // => true
console.log( Stream.equals(s, u) ); // => undefined
console.log( Stream.equals(t, u) ); // => undefined


Parameter Description
array required - Array of values to be used as elements in the stream.

Returns a stream which contains the items from the specified array. The stream contains exactly n items where n is the number of elements in the array specified.

var s = Stream.fromArray([5, 10, 15, 'George']);
s.print(); // => 5, 10, 15, George


Parameter Description
x required - An initial value.
f(x) required - A function. x is the previous item of stream.

Returns an infinite stream with items calculated based on function f. x is the initial value of the stream that will be used to calculate all the others.

function f (x) {
  return x * 2;

var powersOfTwo = Stream.iterate(1, f);

console.log( powersOfTwo.item(0) ); // => 1
console.log( powersOfTwo.item(1) ); // => 2
console.log( powersOfTwo.item(2) ); // => 4
console.log( powersOfTwo.item(10) ); // => 1024
console.log( powersOfTwo.item(369) ); // => 1.2024538023802026e+111


Parameter Description
a1, a2n required - Values to be used as elements in the stream.

Returns a stream which contains the items specified in the function parameters. The stream contains exactly n items, where n is the number of arguments passed to the function.

var s = Stream.make(5, 10, 15, 'George');
s.print(); // => 5, 10, 15, George


Returns an infinite stream of natural numbers: 1, 2, 3, ...

var s = Stream.makeNaturalNumbers();

console.log( s.item(0) ); // => 1
console.log( s.item(5) ); // => 6
console.log( s.item(1000) ); // => 1001


Returns an infinite stream filled with the number 1.

var s = Stream.makeOnes();

console.log( s.item(0) ); // => 1
console.log( s.item(5) ); // => 1
console.log( s.item(1000) ); // => 1


Parameter Description
low optional - A value that indicate the first stream element.
high optional - Array of values to be used as elements in the stream.

Returns a stream containing the integer numbers in the range [low, high]. The resulting stream contains exactly high - low + 1 items. If low is omitted, it is assumed to be 1. If high is omitted, an infinite range is produced, with no upper bound.

var s = Stream.range(10, 20);
s.print(); // => 10, 11, ...20


Parameter Description
x required - A value.

Returns an infinite stream filled with x.

var s = Stream.repeat('element');

console.log( s.item(0) ); // => element
console.log( s.item(5) ); // => element
console.log( s.item(1000) ); // => element