
new Stream()

Creates a new empty stream (a stream with no elements).

var s = new Stream();

console.log( s.length() ) // => 0

new Stream(head, tailPromise)

Parameter Description
head required - The head (aka. the first element) of the stream.
tailPromise required - Function returning the tail (a stream with all the rest of the elements), which could potentially be the empty stream.

Creates a new stream with the given head and tail. The tail is provided as a promise tailPromise, in the form of a function that returns the tail. This allows a powerful abstraction in the form of lazy streams, which enable features such as infinite streams.

// the head of the s stream is 10; the tail of the s stream is the empty stream
var s = new Stream(10, function () {
  return new Stream();
s.print(); // => 10

// the head of the t stream is 10; its tail has a head which is 20 and a tail which
// has a head which is 30 and a tail which is the empty stream.
var t = new Stream(10, function () {
  return new Stream(20, function () {
    return new Stream(30, function () {
      return new Stream();
t.print(); // => 10, 20, 30